Sutton Chiropractic and Nutrition ~ Applied Kinesiology

Christy Lock Sutton D.C.
7515 Greenville Ave, Suite 904
Dallas, Texas 75231
Phone: 214.823.3390
Fax: 214-823-1035


Online Appointments Available

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What is holistic care?

Holistic care means that the whole body is treated, so that the cause of a condition can be corrected rather than its symptoms merely masked or suppressed. I choose to treat patients this way because I learned from personal experience that it is too easy to be fooled into thinking you are better, temporarily, only to only find yourself much worse later down the line with the same unresolved problem. Therefore, I have made it my mission to treat the whole person rather than focusing on only one part, which runs the risk of missing the big picture.


Due to Dr. Sutton’s technique for supporting the whole person, many patients have found a cessation of symptoms that they did not originally seek care for:

Muscular weakness
Joint pain
Muscle spasm
Sports injuries
Muscular imbalances
Herniated discs
Plantar fasciitis
SI dysfunction
Frozen shoulder
Shoulder injuries
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Knee injuries
Foot/ankle injuries
Carpal tunnel/wrist injuries
Tennis elbow/elbow injuries
Psoas spasm
Back spasms
Sports injuries
Muscle pain
Joint pain
Neck pain
Back pain
Numbness/ tingling in arms and legs
Wellness and acute care
And many more…


My goal is to provide the highest quality of care to all my patients, and to approach each individual by using the highest ethics, integrity and professional standards. In addition, I will always respect the inherent healing processes of the body, and give my patients my heart, knowledge, and soul every day.

I believe in exausting the least invasive and most effective treatment options first. My desire is to correct the cause rather than suppress the symptoms. I hope to not only alleviate pain, but more importantly, inspire and educate my patients to become active participants in their own well being. To this end, my mission is to empower them with the knowledge and inspiration needed to choose optimal health solutions for themselves and their families.
