Sutton Chiropractic and Nutrition ~ Applied Kinesiology

Christy Lock Sutton D.C.
7515 Greenville Ave, Suite 904
Dallas, Texas 75231
Phone: 214.823.3390
Fax: 214-823-1035

Webster’s Technique

Posted by on January 16, 2012 in Pregnancy and Pediatrics | Comments Off on Webster’s Technique

Chiropractic care may be effective in correcting and preventing fetal breech positioning during pregnancy. In a technique developed by the late Dr. Larry Webster, a pregnant woman’s sacrum is evaluated and adjusted in specific manner to create adequate space in the pelvic area, and equalize nerve flow to a uterus in disharmony.

Webster’s technique is a precise, non-invasive manipulation that assists in biomechanical balance and reduces nerve interference.

Balancing the pelvis through chiropractic care is ideal for all women—not just those with breech diagnosis. This is due to the fact that having a balanced pelvis also reduces back labor. Back labor is very painful in the low back area and can be accompanied by an irregular contraction pattern, a labor that is slow to progress, and an extended pushing stage. Having a balanced pelvis reduces the cause of intrauterine constraints, and allows the baby to settle into the best possible position for the birth.

In the publication Williams Obstetrics, it is stated that “any contraction of the pelvic diameter that diminishes the capacity of the pelvis can create dystocia (difficulty) during labor.” Further asserted is that the diameter of the woman’s pelvis is decreased when the sacrum is displaced. Dr. Sutton can address the displacement of the sacrum by delivering a gentle adjustment to realign the sacrum and thus reducing the chances of a difficult labor.
