Sutton Chiropractic and Nutrition ~ Applied Kinesiology

Christy Lock Sutton D.C.
7515 Greenville Ave, Suite 904
Dallas, Texas 75231
Phone: 214.823.3390
Fax: 214-823-1035


Doctorate of Chiropractic from Parker College of Chiropractic Cum Laude.

Bachelors of Science from Texas State University Cum Laude.

Major: Microbiology   Minor: Biochemistry

Bachelors of Science from Parker College of Chiropractic Cum Laude.

Major: Anatomy

Major: Health and Wellness

In Addition, Dr. Sutton has completed extensive outside education in the field of health care. Some of which  are included below.
-Functional Blood Chemistry from Apex energetics
-Functional Endocrinology from Apex energetics
-Neurotransmitters and the Brain from Apex energetics
-Mastering the Thyroid taught by Datis Karrazian
– over 200 hours of Applied kinesiology
-Extensively studied under Dr. John V. Bandy
-Nutritional Neurology by Dr. Dan Murphy
-Introduction to Neurochemistry by Steve Noseworthy
-Understanding the complexity of Gluten Sensitivity
-Cortisol and Melatonin circadian rhythm physiology

-Autoimmune regulation by the Nitric Oxide and Glutathione System

-Diagnosing and treating neurological conditions by Dr. Hall.

-Sports injuries by Dr. Bandy

-Breaking the Complex Web of Leaky Gut

-The Brain-Gut Axis and Clinical Application
